Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
Altrincham College is an inclusive school and all teachers:
- Do everything they can to meet pupils’ special educational needs
- Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in activities alongside their peers
- Provide high-quality, differentiated teaching
Mrs Owen is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo).
The Assistant SENDCo for Key Stage 3 students is Gina Wilson, and Zoe Savage is the Assistant SENDCo for Key Stage 4.
The SEND team work closely with school staff and outside agencies to assess the needs of pupils and plan appropriate provision and interventions to meet those needs. It is often the case that the needs of a pupil with SEND can be met with high quality teaching in the classroom. The impact of provision and interventions is reviewed termly.
Mrs Owen, Miss Wilson and Miss Savage work alongside a fantastic team of experienced teaching assistants: Miss Phelan, Ms Holt, Mrs Dyson, Mrs Bocker, Mrs Wood, Miss Simister and Mrs Elliott-Samuels
Contact details
To contact the inclusion team, please click HERE
SEND Information Report and School Offer:
Please click on the SEND Information Report 2022 at the bottom of the page.
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25 years
Trafford Local Offer:
Trafford Local Offer provides information to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/ or disabilities, aged 0-25 years, to help them to understand what services and organisations are part of the support on offer in Trafford. The Local Offer has a Parent/ Carer, Young Person and Practitioner section.
Trafford SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offer free, confidential, impartial advice and support to parent carers, children and young people aged 0-25 in relation to SEND who live in Trafford.
Trafford Parents Forum is made up of Trafford parents supporting Trafford parents who have children and young people with SEND.
Trafford Family Information Service (FIS) provide free, impartial, confidential information and advice to Parent/ Carers about services which make up the local offer in Trafford. You can get details about the support which is available and what’s on in the local area.
The Counselling and Family Centre runs the 'Starting Strong' course; a fully funded 6 week course for parents and carers who have children in Trafford schools with emerging special educational needs.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 15th-21st March 2021
Thank you to all of our parents/carers who supported 'Neurodiversity Celebration Week'. We had information for students displayed in the canteen throughout the week, a social media campaign and a successful parent conference in which we had 7 external speakers from different support services within Trafford who shared information with parents:
- Kate Mc Grath from Trafford Sunrise
- Natalie Lunn from 42nd Street
- Shay Garry and Jules Kennedy from Trafford Young Carers
- Helen Boden from the charity I AM Celebrating Autism in Greater Manchester
- Emma Mander from Great Minds Together
- Andy Smith from Spectrum Gaming
- Chris Hill from Engage Trafford
Please find below a recording of the event: