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Altrincham College Governing Body

Academy Trust Governing Body Structure

Altrincham College Governing Body

"Trustees, governors and other leaders set clear and high ambitions for all pupils and for students in the sixth form. These expectations help pupils and students to achieve well overall." (Ofsted 2022)

Mrs S Wildman, Chair
Former theatre Chief Executive.  Background in journalism, PR and Communications.  Previous member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.  Formerly Director/Head of Communications (LA/Probation Service).  Experienced community governor (originally parent governor).

Governors 2024-25: Terms of Office


Term of Office Ends

Type of Governor

Appointed By

Ms K Earle  


Statutory Right

Miss M Kane

01.12.2027 Community MAT Board

Mr T Hague

30.11.2025 Community MAT Board

Mrs S Wildman
22.11.2026 Community MAT Board
Mrs G Cartwright 07.07.2028 Community MAT Board
Mr S Gupta 06.07.2025 Co-opted Governing Body
Mr C Broom 06.12.2026 Co-opted Governing Body

Ms S Bernhard

11.12.2026 Co-opted Governing Body
Mr N Guy 15.03.2025


Mr J White 11.07.2027


Mrs G Cartwright 07.07.2028 Parents Parents
Mrs A Watson 31.08.2028 Parents Parents
Chair of Governors:  Mrs S Wildman []
Clerk:    Mrs J Davenport

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