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Nut Allergy Information

January 2020

Dear Parents/Carers


We have several students and staff at school who have nut allergies and therefore cannot allow any nuts or nut-based products into school for packed lunches or snacks. We host some wonderful cake sales in school to raise money for charity and we would like these to continue however, please check that any items brought in on occasions such as this, also do NOT contain nuts in any form.

Some examples of prohibited items are:

  • Nut butter
  • Fruit and cereal bars which contain nuts eg. Museli bars
  • Chocolate bars such as Snickers
  • Nutella
  • Cakes or biscuits which contain nuts
  • Food cooked in nut oil
  • Nut milk or yoghurt
  • Pesto

If you are in any doubt, please check all packaging prior to purchase.

Please can I ask that you support us in ensuring the health and safety of everyone in our school by adhering to these measures?

Yours faithfully,

Vicky Fletcher, Health and Welfare Co-ordinator