GDPR Forms Return:
Your child(ren) will be bringing home some very important forms with them today (copy attached). These are consent forms for GDPR (data protection).
Each year group has their forms printed on a different coloured paper, so they can easily be identified (and are hopefully harder to lose!). Please accept our apologies for the typo in the header in the printed version.
Please ensure you complete and return these forms to school before next Friday (28 February).
If we do not receive completed forms for your child(ren) we will assume that you do not consent to this data being used in school. Please note: if forms are not returned, your child(ren) will not be able to use their fingerprint in the canteen or on the cash loaders.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding these forms, please contact our GDPR compliance officer on
Altrincham College