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Year 8 Bubble

13th July 2021

Year 8 Bubble Closure:

Dear Year 8 Parents/Carers

Due to the spike in positive Covid cases in Year 8, we have now made the decision to send the remainder of the year group bubble home, in order to deep clean all the Year 8 bubble classrooms and zones.

I appreciate that this is far from ideal; however, the increasing number of cases daily in the year group necessitates this action.

All Year 8 students should remain at home for the rest of this week. Lessons will be delivered via MS Teams from tomorrow (Wednesday 14 July).

If your child has been identified as a close contact, the school will contact you before 15.30 on Friday 16 July; if you do not receive any such communication from school, your child is not a close contact and they should carry out an LFD test on Sunday evening and, if negative, return to school on Monday morning (19 July) for the remainder of the term.

Sadly, the Year 8 rewards day, scheduled for this Thursday, will now be postponed until September.

With thanks for your ongoing support,

Yours sincerely

K Earle