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Vocational (BTEC & OCR) exams: Jan 2021

Thursday 7 January: Update for candidates, parents and carers

Thursday 7 January 2021

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

OCR National: January exams update

OCR vocational exams
Business (Y13)
Sport and Physical Activity (Y12)
Child Development (Y11)
iMedia (Y10)

Further to the message Ms Earle distributed yesterday regarding BTEC exams, communication from OCR regarding the January vocational exams reads:

Our priority is to ensure students are not disadvantaged. We know students and teachers have been working hard towards the January exams and many will want to take the opportunity to sit them. If students do not take our exams this January, there are options:

  1. There may be an opportunity to take their assessment at a future date. If this is not possible due to arrangements still to be announced for this summer, we will work with the DfE and Ofqual to make sure they are treated fairly.
  2. If students were going to certificate in January, we will award a grade to a student if there is enough evidence, to help them progress.

Altrincham College has therefore taken the decision as a school to also cancel these OCR exams scheduled over the next two weeks. In making this difficult decision we have considered the health and safety of all students and the anxiety that this has been causing, following on from periods of self-isolation, remote learning and national lockdowns.

The lateness of this most recent communication from OCR and the DfE means we have been put in an extremely difficult situation, but have made the decision in the best interests of all concerned.

We will continue to keep you updated of any developments we receive from the examination boards. Students should continue with remote learning as directed by their teachers. Sixth Form students (Business and Sport) should liaise with Mr Oliver or Mr Dennis if they have any concerns over the cancellation of these exams. Child Development students (Year 11) should contact Mrs Danczak and Year 10 students of iMedia should contact Mr Carroll.

Yours faithfully

Mr A Brennan
Deputy Headteacher

Wednesday 6 January:

BTEC EXAMS (Pearson exam board)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Overnight we have received the following communication from Pearson who operate the BTEC exams to say:
“We have agreed the following with Ofqual and the DfE to ensure that no learner is disadvantaged (by the pandemic):
- We will certificate any learner who is unable to take their exams and has enough evidence to receive a certificate that they need for progression.
- Learners unable to take their assessment this January may be able to take their assessment at a later date. If that is not possible, we will put in place arrangements to ensure no learner is disadvantaged.”

BTEC exams
Art & Design (Y13)
Fashion & Clothing (Y12)
Creative Media (Y12 and Y13)

In discussion with key staff, I have therefore taken the decision as a school to cancel BTEC exams scheduled over the next two weeks. In making this difficult decision I have considered the health and safety of all students and the anxiety that this has been causing, following on from periods of self-isolation, remote learning and national lockdowns.

The lateness of this most recent communication from Pearson and the DfE means we have been put in an extremely difficult situation, having to find information via social media, but have made the decision in the best interests of all concerned. 
Further information regarding the specific modules to be examined will follow as we receive it. Students should continue with remote learning as directed by their teachers and should liaise with Mr Keegan ( if they have any concerns over the cancellation of these exams. 

OCR vocational exams
A number of students follow the OCR vocational courses in KS4 and 5. These are: 
Business (Y13)
Sport and Physical Activity (Y12)
Child Development (Y11)
iMedia (Y10)

For these courses, we are still awaiting a decision from OCR as to whether or not exams this month will go ahead. We will notify you as soon as we have more information from the Secretary of State for Education, especially around how subjects will be certificated in the summer.

Yours faithfully
Ms K Earle


Tuesday 5 January:

Following the Government’s announcement last night, there have been conflicting messages on exam websites, social media and news reports about the upcoming vocational exams.

The most up to date information published by Pearson/EdExcel (08.45 this morning) is below:

As and when we receive any further information, this will be communicated to you ASAP.

A list of vocational exams is below ('BTEC exams: January 2021') - if your child/ward is entered for any of these papers, they should attend school as planned to take these exams.

Please be aware, however, that - like all communications since March 2020 - these arrangements are subject to change. We will endeavour to keep you informed if anything changes.

With thanks
Mr Brennan
Deputy Headteacher