Altrincham College hero!
Did you know that Miss Whitworth, Head of Maths at Altrincham College, is known outside of school as 'Special Constable Whitworth'?
Miss Whitworth joined the Greater Manchester Police Special Constabulary in 2019 - an entirely voluntary role - with most of her duties completed at weekends or during school holidays. Special Constables are asked to volunteer a minimum of 16 hours of service a month, yet since March last year, Miss Whitworth has undertaken an average of 74 hours per month, such is her devotion to the cause. In recognition of this, Altrincham College was recently presented with the ‘Employer Supported Policing Covid Support Certificate of Appreciation’.
Miss Whitworth loves the diversity of her role with the police. When she goes on duty, she could be the first on scene at any eventuality, from a suicidal person to a serious road traffic accident. The diverse nature of her job has other similarities with teaching; clear communication, patience, good listening skills and developing positive relationships are essential for both roles.
Students enjoy talking to miss about her role and asking about the sort of things that a police officer does. She hopes to educate and inspire some students to consider a career in policing or even the opportunity of becoming a Special Constable.
Well done Miss Whitworth, you really are an Altrincham College hero!