Friday 18th December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing further to the Government’s announcement yesterday regarding testing in schools from the New Year. The first we heard about this was a BBC news bulletin yesterday afternoon therefore we spent last night and this morning planning next steps as far as possible, with the very limited information currently available to schools. I have also spent the morning consulting with the CEO of our Trust and the Local Authority/Trafford Council.
Testing in schools is not mandatory however, I believe that we should take advantage of this opportunity to support students and their families, our staff and their families with early identification of coronavirus. This will help prevent the spread and ultimately allow us all to get back to some semblance of ‘normality’ more quickly. You have the option of taking advantage of this offer.
Parental permission forms should be completed here:
and submitted prior to 4th January 2021 please. It is the Government’s intention that testing will commence the first week back but we will be guided by Trafford Public Health.
There will be some changes to the start of next term: the Government have offered schools an extra INSET day on Monday 4th January 2021 to allow time to prepare to deliver the testing, therefore our school will be taking advantage of this time. After that there will be a staggered re-entry to school for our students.
From Tuesday 5th January, only students in Years 11 and 13 will return to school (plus a small number of Year 12s who will be contacted separately). School will also be open to vulnerable students and children of critical workers from 5th January. Ms Diffley or Mrs Noonan will have contacted you today to offer your child(ren)/ward(s) a place.
Online learning for students in all other year groups will commence that day and for the rest of the week solely via MS Teams and as per your child’s normal WEEK 2 timetable. Students will be sent invites to their lessons. It is expected that these year groups will fully return to school from 11th January, however this could be subject to change depending on further guidance from the Government.
Any students in Y11 or Y13 who are unable to attend school from the 5th, will have access to live lessons (audio only for safeguarding reasons) via MS Teams.
The school buses will operate from 5th January as usual.
This scheme will use the ‘lateral flow test’. If you require further information, please follow this link to DfE guidance to schools:
Hopefully we will know more in the New Year and, as soon as we do, I will write again to all parents and carers.
May I wish you and your families and happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Ms K. Earle