Coronavirus Bulletin: Friday 12th March 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
The school is noisy and busy again…. and it’s great!
Thank you so much for all your support in ensuring your child(ren) came to school on time, in full uniform and ready to learn this week! I have seen so many smiley eyes above the masks that I think the majority of students are as happy to be back as we are! I’ve also seen and heard some really polite young people leaving school at the end of the day, thanking staff on duty and wishing them a good evening – it’s wonderful to hear!
Face Masks
A gentle reminder that students should bring two face masks to school with them each day along with a small plastic bag to put the used one in. They have coped with this so well this week, I am sure they will be able to maintain this for the next two weeks until we break up.
I know from personal experience with my own children, that it’s been really tricky to get new school shoes since lockdown! We are supporting families as best we can with this but please do send a signed note into school with your child if these have not yet been purchased.
Praise points are through the roof this week thanks to students meeting our uniform expectations – a most positive start to our re-opening!
It’s really important that your child attends school every day if they are well. It’s also crucial that they arrive on time. This week has seen a small number of students arriving late to school and missing part of period 1. This means that they are starting on the ‘back foot’ compared with their peers who have arrived on time. We know that some appointments are unavoidable during the school day and lates for reasons such as this will of course, not be penalised; neither will students who are late due to problems with the school buses.
From next week, if your child comes to school late, you will receive an advisory email from us so that you can also keep tabs. You won’t be surprised to hear that students sometimes do not give us the real reason they are late! We will inform you shortly of the system we have put in place for students repeatedly late for school and we hope you will support us in our efforts to improve punctuality and attendance.
Student Star of the Week
The award this week goes to Sohail in 8.5 for his daily kindness and manners. He is a real credit to his parents and the school! Sohail is often found helping staff, greeting them politely and courteously, treating his friends with care and respect. Well done Sohail!
Staff Star of the Week
Mrs Wright in our Finance Team receives the award this week! Mrs Wright, along with all other support staff, has been assisting with the asymptomatic testing of students and has done an amazing job! Her colleagues have said she is organised and efficient and has a lovely manner with the students! Congratulations Mrs Wright from all your colleagues!
Governor Nominations
Ballot papers for the nomination of a Parent Governor can be brought into school now. Ballot boxes are situated in Reception.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Stop the spread! Stay safe!
Kind regards
Ms. Earle