Friday 14th January 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another week, another amendment to the Covid risk assessment! Obviously there were lots of other far more enjoyable aspects to the week and I will share some of the highlights below!
The change to the isolation rule has led to some confusion for families, staff and students. I thought this diagram on the BBC News app probably explained it best:
Please do not send your child into school if they are still testing positive or indeed if they still feel too unwell. LFD kits are readily available in school if you need any more.
School buses
Further to the problems we have been experiencing with the late arrival of buses and the impact of this on families and on student learning, I have written to Mayor Burnham and Sir Graham Brady outlining our concerns and asking for some support in tackling the problem. I await their responses.
Safeguarding Update
This seems to be a new ‘smoking’ substance called “Snus”. It’s a flavoured tobacco pouch you put between your gum and top lip. It is illegal to sell in the UK, but not illegal to have in your possession. Snus usually comes in a small circular tin. You can find out more here:
School Trips
Three wonderful trips took place this week and the students all got a real ‘buzz’ from their experiences. Mrs Casey led a trip to the Languages department of the University of Manchester, Mrs Mrozinski took a group to see an amazing performance of ‘School of Rock’ and Mr Stephenson took a group rock climbing where several students surpassed themselves in both what they achieved and in boosting their self-confidence. It’s wonderful to see trips happening again as they enrich our curriculum and also the life experiences of our students! Thank you to all students for their impeccable behaviour and for ‘doing us proud’ and also to the staff for organising such great adventures!
Sixth Form Applications
This week we saw an unprecedented number of applications for our Sixth Form which is absolutely fantastic! Whilst most were from our current Year 11, we have seen a huge increase in external applications too! Well done to everyone for their work on publicising our Sixth Form and also to the staff for ensuring that young people see what a great education is on offer at Altrincham College!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe!
Thank you for your continued support of our school!
Ms K Earle