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AC Amazing Students Bulletin


Hi all,

I hope you've had a healthy and happy week. The sun has been shining for us and the birds have been singing. We know it is frustrating for you to be at home and lose many of the freedoms that you are used to, but it is so important that we do this in order to help one another. Try to see the positives!

There are so many opportunities to try learning in new and different ways. BBC bitesize have some amazing resources. I'm trying to learn some Spanish with Sergio Aguero and I'm in severe pain from my Joe Wicks PE sessions! Take a look at some of the resources available to you and try something new.

We've heard some brilliant examples of students who have been working hard this week and who have been inspired to help key workers. Well done to you all. You've made us exceptionally proud of you all.

Jacob - Year 7

Jacob decided to fundraise for the NHS and his local food bank.  He designed a flyer and then posted it through all his neighbours doors , just before the national clapping for the NHS last Thursday.  He has pledged to run 100 laps of his street over 5 days.  So far with donations from our neighbours, friends and family he has raised £370! Amazing Jacob.

Alizah 7.1

Alizah is trying really hard to complete her homework tasks . She spends a lot of time on studies but she is also being very creative. She has baked and crafted over her weeks. Recently she made a model which reflects April 2020 , spring time, sunny , green trees , covid 19 and a gratitude to NHS. Well done Alizah.

Thomas 8.2

Thomas has been extending his vocabulary and completing the tier 2/3 spelling and application of words tests.

Lily  - Year 7

Lily is a regular in the praise bulletin! She is completing lots of English work and has an excellent attitude towards home learning.


Osscar - Year 7

Oscar is consistently submitting high standard textiles work - well done!

Maisie - Year 11

Maisie has completed her BEAUTIFUL GCSE Textiles artwork and submitting it digitally for assessment. Well done.

Nick - Year 9

Nick has worked incredibly hard on his textiles project. The work was of an extremely high standard and the effort was very impressive.


Year 7 were given the task of recreated a living image of a famous person or event or painting etc from History, using anything they could find from home. 

Oliver dressed up as Winston Churchill:

Matilda - recreated Van Gough's 'Starry Night', using things found in her garden:

Freddie recreated the moon landings:

Katy recreated the Battle of Hastings - Harold gets an arrow in the eye!

 Serena recreated the painting of "The Girl With The Pearl Earring."

Erin recreated Edvard Munch's Scream:

TJ 7.3

TJ has written a brilliant story describing life in lockdown. He has also been cooking delicious meals for his family.

Callum 9C1

Callum wrote an outstanding theatre review based on the National Theatre's production of Treasure Island. The comments were analytical, perceptive and detailed. Well done.

Oliver - Year 7

Oliver's Spanish homework on Cuba really impressed Ms Peinardo. She thinks you have "done an amazing job."

Patti - Year 9

Patti has been working hard on her English work. She has completed tasks on A Taste Of Honey and committed to learning new vocabulary to develop her responses further.

Ms Warburton

Ms Warburton really wanted to give a shout out to Jake , Alizah , Lydia , Erin and Isaac for their wonderful creative writing pieces they have sent to her. They have fabulous imaginations and provided a much needed escape with their vibrant descriptions.

Oliver 8.6

Oliver has completed some really impressive CAD designs for Mrs Gate. She was so impressed that she has asked him for advice on how he managed to create such a professional piece of work. Outstanding!

Miss Greenhalgh - English

Year 8 Superstars that have really impressed Miss Greenhalgh:

  • Rebecca 
  • Tayla
  • Lena
  • Olly

Dylan 9A2

Well done on completing some great English work and meeting deadlines.

Hallie - Year 7

Hallie has created some imaginative and creative designs for a spy mission in Drama. We can't wait to be able to explore these practically in the Drama studio!

Jessica 7.3 

Jessica has completed all her Drama staging booklet! Well done.

Jack 9C1

Jack has completed some really detailed research and responses in his Drama work. This will really help with practical work when we return to school.

Mrs Hardy - Geography

Mrs Hardy is very impressed with Areeba, Year 7 and Patti, Year 9.

Both have done some outstanding geography work and been working really hard.

Eve and Serina - Year 7

Eve and Serina have completed some excellent Drama work and have been working really hard at home.

Serina - Year 7

Serina has also been working really hard on Maths work and has impressed Mrs Whitchalls.

Joe - Year 8

Joe has completed some creative and imaginative Drama work. His understanding of plot and scene structure is fantastic.

Chloe - Year 7

Chloe has been working hard on her Drama home learning tasks and has created some very imaginative pieces. well done.

Rebecca, 8.2

Rebecca has completed her spelling tests and is extending her vocabulary by using these words in written work and conversation.

Grace - 8.3

Grace has completed some excellent Drama work. She has a great understanding of plot and scene structure.

Avalon 7.1

Avalon has completed her Drama skills booklet to a very impressive standard. She has worked incredibly hard and should be very proud of this work.

Mrs Lees - MFL

Year 7 Superstars:

Well done to: Oscar, Lily, Jessica, Aimee and Lydia. You're all working so hard.

Year 8 superstars:

Well done to: Baxter and Paige. Great work completed.

Year 11 superstars:

Well done to: Hollie and Gemma. Mrs Lees is so pleased with your effort.

Mrs Jones' Maths superstars:

The following main school pupils have been working really hard this week on their Maths work: Holly, Nick, Patti, Millie and Gracie.

In Year 12, Logan, Tom, Sian and Matt have been keeping up with their independent work and asking good questions.

In Year 13, Bob is the first student to complete the Sumaze! challenge, well done.

Isobel, Year 7

Isobel completed a really impressive theatre review of the National Theatre's Treasure Island production. Ms Murray gave her some challenges on how to make it even better and she sent improvements back. The work is outstanding.

Mrs Parnaby - English


Jacob, Chloe, Lily & Jess for great vocabulary spellings.

Jess: Outstanding work ethic shown by completing all her literacy booklet to a very high standard.

Oscar, Aimee, Lilly, Oscar and Rohan for some really lovely work on travel writing.  So many fantastic holiday memories for them to keep hold of during this difficult time.  


Genna and Jess for showing a commitment to their studies and completing their English Language practice paper.

Y12 Eng Language:

Ben and Holly for consistently showing superb work ethic.

Will for completing his discourse comparison essay and responding to marking so quickly.

Mrs Crossley - English

Mrs Crossley has been very impressed by a number of her students. well done to you all.

Year 8:

  • Jow 
  • Daryna 
  • Maryam 
  • Mateusz 
  • Herbie 
  • Sophie 
  • Ali 
  • Maisie 
  • Oliver 

Year 9:

  • Summer 
  • Leah 
  • Noah 
  • Milly 
  • Jack 
  • Amilie 
  • Holly 
  • Sophie 
  • Oliver
  • Sageda
  • Irene
  • Jay

Year 10:

  • Harry
  • Connor
  • Rawan 

Drama - Year 7

Thomas completed an outstanding theatre review this week. It was analytical and perceptive. Well done.

Mrs Parnaby - English:

  • Laila and Aine - superb work ethic as always
  • Joe - responding to marking on his discourse comparison essay.

Mrs Hodson - Maths:

Year 7: 

  • Fatima completed two and a half hours of mathswatch work last week completing a HUGE 68 practice questions, fantastic work, well done Fatima!! 
  • Kai completed an hour and a half of work watching some mathswatch videos last week, great work! 

Mr Hughes - Geography:

Mr Hughes is delighted with the pupils listed below. He encourages you to keep up the good work and stay safe.

Year 7: James, Serina, Leo, Ethan, Aleksandra 

Year 8: Henry, Baxter, Diana, Rebecca 

Year 9: Cy and Ariba 

Your hard work, resilience and initiative is very much appreciated by all of us at Altrincham College. Try to set yourself a target for next week. It might be related to some of your academic learning, getting active and healthy or something for your local community. Targets challenge us and help us to stay motivated. This week, I am going to bake cakes for the elderly care home near where I live. I will let you know how I get on and whether they were edible!!

Take care of each other and stay safe.

Ms Murray